Dorothy and our Son Brannon’s bride to be, Jessica, were planning their wedding for the 10th of November. I never knew for months why that date was so important “10/11/12”.  I know, you women saw it right away but it went right over my head! So much for sensitivity on my part - I’ve told you I don’t pay attention to details!  When Dorothy first mentioned it to me I suggested she check with John as November is a very busy month with the craft fair and hamfest but was immediately shut down. John said no as that was indeed the date the craft fair had been held in past years. As you might imagine, that upset both Dorothy and Jessica but Brannon heard from the Lord and he and Jessica decided the 3rd would suffice. Later when John and Sandi talked they decided we as partner should have the wedding on the 10th as originally planned. The following Sunday morning I told John, “You should leave it as is or you’re going to catch a lot of grief”. He said “he would catch grief no matter what he did.” That weekend John and Sandy went camping with John and Pam Hales. On his return he had decided the 10th was unacceptable for the wedding because John and Pam had spent money on flyers and making arrangements for the craft fair - months before the craft fair was to take place, really? Who does that? Give me a notice of an upcoming event more than a day or so before hand and I will have completely forgotten I ever knew anything about it. But that’s just me and I’ve not been nominated to speak for the masses. John told me John Hales said “If the 10th was not available, we’ll just shut it down as it didn’t matter to him one way or another.” A not so veiled threat, in my assessment, as the craft fair is the single largest money making event of the year.  Would this be a good time to remind us that John “is not interested in developing some plan to continue Freedom ranch by generating enough money to pay the mortgage each month?”
Wedding/ craft fair: