He makes the presumption I am offended by “a host of things”, but what John and many other people fail to recognize about me is that I have been blessed with the ability to “see” a much larger picture than those around me. The small stuff just seems to roll right on by without me ever detecting it. One morning when my tower crew was loading trucks to leave on a job, one of the guys backed a forklift into a ditch and turned it over. I was on the opposite side of the building and was unaware it had happened until one of the guys came ruining to me with the news. In my typical custom, I simple ask about the driver. When I found he was OK I returned to what I was doing without further comment. I later found that the man that brought me the news had reported to the rest of the guys “George is so mad he could not even speak.” My proclivity to view the world in such a fashion does have its down side. Not even my wife comprehends how I can permit such seemingly major deeds pass without even a hint of frustration.  
Still offended…