Nothing about this entire ordeal is delightful; the misuse of money, the lack of fiduciary responsibility, and especially not the schism. Many people were and still are being unnecessarily affected by the divide. I take no pleasure in that as we did have the option of just walking away as others in the past have done, which would have avoided what we now must slog through.  I sought the Lord’s guidance and called on a few Godly men I knew would hold me accountable. To a man, they all assured me the lies and deception need to be exposed. Many times John and I have talked about the possibility this day may come. We thought it possible because of lack of financial support but never this. We agreed in the worst case we would give the property back to the bank and walk away, confident we had done all we were called of Him to do. One thing you can be assured of; God knows our heart and will see his plan to completion.