On October 1st of 2013 in John's first email he states:
“What I hear God telling me is that we are done here.”

On November 27th of the following month in the second email John states:
“Good news!  It looks like the Lord is providing a way to continue the ministry here.”

When I met with John on the 1st of December in 2013 he explained his statement
“we’re done here” as he heard the Lord say he is through fighting to pay the bills.

Then two days later on the 3rd, of December John thinks he has the right answer: “After
a lot of prayer I have come to the realization of what I really meant when I said, I’m

But then on Friday the 24th of January 2014 John is again having second thoughts and
asks if I wanted to try to get back together so it appeared he was still not sure what to
believe at this date.

John Glenn, John Hales, Tom Benbow and Elton Boney had all independently prayed
about it and were adamant about the plan God had reveal to them. I ask them if it
were possible God may have a different plan and didn’t they think God would let me in
on that plan. Could it be John is still waiting on the Lord to reveal the true plan as it
now appears he got it wrong at least four times?

I can hear God speak to me, George,”…….