For months now I’ve set quietly on the sidelines and listened to rumors, innuendos and hearsay pertaining to Freedom Ranch and Alpha Ministry but I’ve also been directly involved with many of the issues in meetings, through emails and by legal documents so do have firsthand information.  Those who are able to differentiate between good and evil exhibit some characteristics of spiritual maturity and should be able to deduce the truth for themselves if given the facts.  That is the primary purpose of this letter, to offer an opposing but accurate and factual view of the disagreement between the principals of Freedom Ranch. The incentive came from a newsletter John sent out this past October, a copy of which can be seen  HERE. Mark Twain said “get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.” Some of you have made your stand based solely on information gathered from the opposing side of the argument, so if you fall into that category, you can return to whatever it was you were doing and ignore the remaining pages of this document. No point in wasting your time reading something that might dissuade you from your stance. For those that have been overwhelmed with one-sided discriminatory information that bears little resemblance to the facts of the case and wish to hear the truth, you are free to continue. Truth cannot be determined by majority vote! Show me someone adept at ignoring facts and I’ll show you an aspiring politician.
Many people don’t want to be confused with the facts for reasons known only to them but in this case I suspect it has considerable to do with John’s teaching. I stand by what I’ve said about John’s ability to lay out the gospel in laymen’s terms. He does have a “kind of charisma” that garners respect for those that are hurting and burned out. Often it is said of his teaching “I’ve never heard this before” or “I’ve known this but it’s never been told to me”. That pretty much summed up our assessment when we met John Glenn. Theoretically, the gospel should result in a positive change in those that receive it regardless of the spiritual condition of those who disperse it. In reality we need to be mindful of our own biases that they don’t taint the message the world so desperately needs to hear. You may have seen the great Serengeti wildebeest migration on PBS where they come to the Mara River. When the first animals begin the crossing, the rest blindly follow in lock step. We are sometimes confronted with a similar situation, much like the wildebeest, in that we have the “old man” lying just beneath the surface like a crocodile awaits it’s pray, unseen, ready to strike when you least expect. The lakes and rivers in that area are only a few miles long and could easily be circumvented by the animals but they have no knowledge of that fact (gospel). We as the body of Christ are charged with informing the masses (wildebeest) so they too may avoid the crocodiles. We have access to the most powerful weapon ever given to mankind to accomplish this task - the Bible. Jesus gives an explicit warning “Take heed that no man deceives you. For many will come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many”. Matt: 24, 4-5 KJV.  If you doubt that, you’ve only to look at the atrocities perpetrated on their followers by Jim Jones and David Koresh. They fall into the category of false ministers or prophets whom we were warned about. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.”  Matt: 24, 11 KJV. Tragically, many went willing to their graves because they put their unyielding trust in man. Ronald Reagan once said “trust but verify” referring to an Old Russian proverb when speaking to Mikhail Gorbachev about an arms control treaty. No proper court will decide a case built on a partisan argument but will assemble all available information before determining a verdict. I offer here and now some of the evidence that brings us to this point. I decided to do this not only because it is my right but my duty to expose the truth as lies hate the light of day. John has said “he has nothing to hide” so I suppose he will be grateful to me for helping clear the air.
I am quite aware this is very long and difficult to understand and I’m not sure I really perceive the whole of the issue myself. Just keep in mind as you read this, Einstein said “you don’t really understand anything unless you can explain it to your grandmother” so I know I’m in trouble. What you chose to do with the following information is up to you but to plagiarize a quote from Paul in I Thessalonians, I would not have you ignorant brethren….

The information contained herein is a work in
progress, has not been proofed and subject to change.